Elliots Song Guitar chords by Dominic Fike (Euphoria)
If you landed here in search of Elliots Song Guitar chords by Dominic Fike from Euphoria, then you are in absolutely right place. We have given Elliots Song Guitar chords with its strumming pattern and every other information that is needed to play this song on your guitar. So lets dive in and play Elliots Song Euphoria chords.
Note: Two versions of chords are given i.e with and without the capo. So go with the one you feel comfortable with.
Elliots Song Guitar chords

So it can be seen that chords for Elliots Song are G major, A major, D major, B minor. You have to place capo on 2nd fret to play these chords otherwise without the capo chords are A, B, E, C#m. You can play whole song with these chords only.
Elliots Song Strumming Pattern

As it can be seen above that strumming pattern for elliots song from euphoria is D-D-DU. Hit the first down stroke little harder on upper three strings.
Capo: 2nd Fret
[G] I’ve [A] got no [D] place
[D] Buildin’ you a rocket up to [A] outer [D] space
[G] I [A] watch you [D] fade
Keeping the lights [G] on in this for[A]saken [D] place
Little [G] star [A] [D]
[D] Feels like you [G] fell right [A] on my [D] head
Gave you [G] away [A] to the [Bm] wind
I hope it was [G] worth it [A] in the [D] end
You and my [G] guitar [A] [D]
[D] I think you may [G] be my [A] only [D] friend
[D] I gave it [G] all to see you [A] shine [D] again
[D] I hope it was [G] worth it [A] in the [D] end
[G] Us [A] against the [D] world
Just a couple [G] sinner’s makin’ [A] fun of [D] hell
[G] If I [A] keep you [D] here
I’ll only be [G] doing this [A] for [D] myself
Little [G] star [A] [D]
[D] Feels like you [G] fell right [A] on my [D] head
Gave you [G] away [A] to the [Bm] wind
[Bm] I hope it was [G] worth it [A] in the [D] end
[D] You and my [G] guitar [A] [D]
[D] I think you may [G] be my [A] only [D] friend
I gave it [G] all to see you [A] shine [D] again
[D] I hope it was [G] worth it [A] in the [D] end
[Em] I know this [Bm] thing is broken
So [Em] I leave my [Bm] door wide open
[Em] Been some time [Bm] since we’ve spoken
[Em] One day we’ll [A] meet again [Em]
[Em] Some distance [Bm] when you’re older
[Em] You’ll come laying [Bm] on my shoulder
[Em] Tell me that [Bm] storm is over [Em]
That day we [A] meet again
[G] [A] [D]
[D] Feels like you [G] fell right [A] on my [D] head
Gave you [G] away [A] to the [D] wind
I hope it was [G] worth it [A] in the end [D]
You and my [G] guitar [A] [D]
I think you may [G] be my [A] only [D] friend
I gave you [G] away
{[A] Mh..mhhm..[D] hmm}
[D] I hope it was [A] worth it [A] in the end [D]
See Also: I’m Tired – Labrinth (Euphoria)
See Also: Maybe Guitar Chords – Machine Gun Kelly
Elliots Song Euphoria chords without Capo
This is no capo version for elliots song. So you don’t need to place capo anywhere.
(A) I’ve (B) got no (E) place
(E) Buildin’ you a rocket up to (B) outer (E) space
(A) I (B) watch you (E) fade
Keeping the lights (A) on in this for(B)saken (E) place
Little (A) star (B) (E)
(E) Feels like you (A) fell right (B) on my (E) head
Gave you (A) away (B) to the (C#m) wind
I hope it was (A) worth it (B) in the (E) end
You and my (A) guitar (B) (E)
(E) I think you may (A) be my (B) only (E) friend
(E) I gave it (A) all to see you (B) shine (E) again
(E) I hope it was (A) worth it (B) in the (E) end
(A) Us (B) against the (E) world
Just a couple (A) sinner’s makin’ (B) fun of (E) hell
(A) If I (B) keep you (E) here
I’ll only be (A) doing this (B) for (E) myself
Little (A) star (B) (E)
(E) Feels like you (A) fell right (B) on my (E) head
Gave you (A) away (B) to the (C#m) wind
I hope it was (A) worth it (B) in the (E) end
You and my (A) guitar (B) (E)
(E) I think you may (A) be my (B) only (E) friend
(E) I gave it (A) all to see you (B) shine (E) again
(E) I hope it was (A) worth it (B) in the (E) end
(F#m) I know this (C#m) thing is broken
So (F#m) I leave my (C#m) door wide open
(F#m) Been some time (C#m) since we’ve spoken
(F#m) One day we’ll (B) meet again (F#m)
(F#m) Some distance (C#m) when you’re older
(F#m) You’ll come laying (C#m) on my shoulder
(F#m) Tell me that (C#m) storm is over (F#m)
That day we (B) meet again
(A) (B) (E)
(E) Feels like you (A) fell right (B) on my (E) head
Gave you (A) away (B) to the (E) wind
I hope it was (A) worth it (B) in the end (E)
You and my (A) guitar (B) (E)
I think you may (A) be my (B) only (E) friend
I gave you (A) away
{(B) Mh..mhhm..(E) hmm}
(E) I hope it was (B) worth it (B) in the end (E)
See Also: As it was Guitar Chords – Harry Styles
See Also: Little story by Kehlani
See Also: Bam Bam by Ed sheeran & Camila Cabello
See Also: Westside Guitar Chords – Keshi
We hope you found Elliots Song Guitar chords useful. For any correction and suggestion please comment below. Thank you for reading this article.
Watch song video here:
Song Info:
Song Title: Elliot’s song
Artist: Dominic Fike
Language: English
Tags: Elliots Song Euphoria chords